Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Currenly Lillian and I are working on money, at this time its dimes.  You do not want to overwhelm a child by introducing different coins at the same time.  Instead, focus on one (generally you begin with pennies) and then advance up as they master one.  However, continue to review coins previously taught so they retain that information.   As I recently said, I purchased some hundreds charts.  After I have given her ample time to explore the dimes on her own I had her place one dime on each box in the tens place on the hundreds chart.  Then, as we say "ten, twenty, thirty" and so on she slides the dime off the corresponding box.  We also reversed the process and counted by tens as we placed the dimes back on the chart.  Next, we took turns placing one dime on a tens square while the other person covered her eyes.  Then that person got to guess what number was under the dime!  Simple activities like this are a game to children and they enjoy playing them over and over and do not even realizing they are doing a learning activity.

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