Saturday, June 23, 2012

Counting and Hundreds Charts

I picked up a pack of Hundreds Charts at the local teacher store (you can order them online too).  In case you aren't familiar with hundreds charts they are a grid with the numbers from 1-100.  I also bought highlighting tape; tape that is colored, but you can see through.  It acts like a highlighter but is tape (highlighters will not work on the boughten charts because they have a type of lamination on them).  On one board I highlighted just the tens row, another chart counting by fives, and another one even numbers.  I also put one of the charts in Lillians seat back pocket in the van.  That way it is available to her if she wants to look at it or use it, but it isn't being pushed at her.  Sometimes these items just have to be available to children for them to become interested and to provide them with an opportunity to explore them on their own.  She has already taken it out many times and talked about the numbers she sees.   As a side note, you can also find a variety of different kinds of hundred charts online.  If you used this option you could use a regular highlighter to mark them and put them in a clear paper sleeve to make them more durable.  If your child seems overwhelmed by the vast number of numerals on the chart, just use a piece of paper to cover up the bottom portion.  Often just taking away the access helps.  The highlight tape is a tool to help her focus on just the digits I want her to concentrate on.  Then we can use the appropriate chart to aid us as we learn to count by two's, fives, or tens.  Later, I can use the same method to show odd numbers or counting by tens starting with a different number other than ten.  That will come MUCH later though!

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