Helpful Hints

I make quite a few of my own games.  It is cheaper than buying new ones for one thing.  I have found that it works well to store each game in a large closeable baggie and then keep all items pertaining to a particular holiday, theme, or whatever in a small plastic tub.  When I started I used the really big zippered bags, but they are harder to store since they don't stack well, you can't see in, and I found it to be more difficult to label the outside of the storage container so that it was easily identified and easy to find. 

In the process of making games I have found card stock and laminating to be my friends!  Obviously the home made games are not as heavy as store bought ones, so they are not as durable.  Kids are rough on games - keep in mind they are just kids!  Laminating isn't to expensive if you do them as you go (don't do a bunch as once!) and its well worth the money unless your only going to use them for one child.

Try not to always use the same word to describe something.  For instance, many times the words "digit, number, and numeral" may all be interchanged.    This doesn't mean you have to use all the different terms in one lesson, but spread out over time.

I use disposable paint trays when we're painting so clean up is much easier.  I have found that meat trays work well, to-go food cartons from restaurants, and some of the salad containers (lids too!) that you get at fast food restaurants.  The best ones though are the divided TV dinner trays; then you can use more than one color at a time and they still stay seperated!  I just squirt paint in them (usually they'll hold a couple different colors) and when the kids are done painting I just throw them away!

Small containers from individual applesauce, KFC, to-go sauces, etc are great for individual servings of glue.  Just put the Elmers glue in the container, give the child a pop cycle stick, and when they are done throw it all away!  Best of all there's no more "your using to much glue!" conversations!

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