Saturday, April 28, 2012


When the kids were younger I used place mats with the ABC's or shapes on them.  Last week I found one with addition facts on it.  Lillian has enjoyed using it.  I just leave it sitting in the middle of the table.  When she's in the mood she'll quiz us on the math facts, other times she'll read us the problem, and sometimes she wants us to ask her some of them.  This exposes her to addition facts, how to read a table, and how to read the equations.  We don't push it at all; its her instigating it and choosing to play with it.  If you have a play kitchen the kids enjoy using the place mats in there also.  In addition, sometimes when Lillian is wanting to write a word and has asked how to make a letter, I will get out our letter place mat so I can show her the letter on the place mat, model how it is written, and then she writes the letter.  The mats are a good learning tool and are usually only about $3.

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